ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている99ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回最優秀賞term security in the sense of better management of the earths resources, containingacrid diseases, preventing social upheavals leading to regional instability that requirethem to intervene in defence of human rights at a stage when costs are huge as inAfghanistan, Rwanda or Somalia. What objective rationale can illustrate that in aworld of increasing interdependence, universal education is closely linked to globalpeace, global progress and global freedom from want and fear? How will it besubstantiated that universal education creates the idyllic conditions for sustainabledevelopment of developing countries, which will benefit the developed countries aswell and provide a richer meaningful evolution of mankind?Governments believe that there is a causal, positive and correspondingrelationship between economic growth(represented by say GDP, Investment etc)andthe indices of social development(represented by say UM5R, Illiteracy, PopulationGrowth and Poverty). The experience of the industrialized countries does not suggestanything to the contrary. Given sufficient time, and making a major exception forirreversible losses of natural habitat and biodiversity, social development has of courseoccurred. Can the same correlation exist into the future? Perhaps, not. This route tosocial development was successful at that time. To expect historical economic, socialand environmental transitions to be similarly replicated in developing countries, today,would be a great error of judgment. Now, the pace and scale of change are greater,geopolitical, macroeconomic, geographical and cultural circumstances are different.Pursuing a policy objective of economic growth alone could certainly produceexpanding economies but whether they would be strong economies is but a matter ofconjecture. The environmental and social cost could be disastrously high as unrequitedexpectations of the poor cause unmanageable and huge disasters such as forceddemographic shifts, ecological degradation, diseases and violence etc. Nevertheless,97