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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回最優秀賞they have not overwhelmed the planet. Admittedly, while millions of people enjoylives of a quality unimaginable a few decades ago, hundreds of millions others live inpitiful conditions unimaginable to these very better endowed people, the world is stillreasonably vibrant with its fair share of promises and problems but nowhere near astate of anarchy. That said, it would be folly to ignore the dangerous portends wheremindless violence is on the increase, critical digital and income divides are rising and,where illiterates stagnate in a quagmire of poverty whilst the knowledgeable gallop toriches. Economies are expanding but the indices of human development are not on thesame growth curve: it is lagging dangerously behind. For example whilst the IndianEconomy has been averaging growth rates of 6-7 %, literacy is growing at less than 2 %.Therefore, whilst the balance sheet of world progress is not all red it is certainlynot all black either. The present thus emerges as a time of tension between, not justlocal but global, positive and negative forces -- with the balance liable to tip in differentdirections in different regions of the world. Pursuing a business-as-usual developmentpattern is most unlikely to result in sustainable development to achieve, firstly, adesirable balance between economic growth and equitable human evolution, secondly,a world free of strife, and thirdly, a healthy ecosystem which we can bequeath toour children. 5These aspects of modern day security emphasise that education isat the core of sustainable international security and it is time that the worldcommunity recognised its importance.Therefore, the short answer to the hypothetical question posed earlier is that thecommon fundamental measure at the core of human evolution is indeed -- education,as the theme for this years’Eisaku Sato Foundation essay suggests. The WorldDevelopment Report corroborates this supposition and states,“Increasingeducation not only improves well-being -- it also leads to better health outcomes5 World Development Report 2000/2001. Chapters 2-4.95