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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

note the crucial adoption in 1997 of the Protocol to amend the Vienna Conventionon Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (1997 protocol) and the Convention onSupplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage marked a major milestone inthe development of international nuclear liability regime. Under this regime whichneeds to be aggressively established across the world through respective legislations;The operator of nuclear installation is exclusively liable for nuclear damage, Strictliability is imposed on the operator, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the courts ofone state to the exclusion of courts in the other states and finally liability is limitedin amount and time. The front of ensuring the nuclear liability in civilian sector maypave the way forward to guarantee the peaceful use of atomic energy as well asdiscovering the amicable environment to commit towards step by step engagementfor disarmament.U.N. Mandate and looking forward:United Nations is truly global institution which came into existence out of theashes of the Second World War. A true and credible doyen of conflict resolution asrecognized by Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 is responsible to maintain internationalpeace and security by taking effective collective measures for the prevention andremoval of threats in conformity with the principles of justice and international lawfor adjustment or settlement of international dispute. United Nation is largely knownfor creating an atmosphere to understand that“we will not enjoy development withoutsecurity, we will not enjoy security without development, and we will not enjoy eitherwithout respect for human rights”19People who studied the motives of disarmamentmovement 20 guide us about what can be done to inspire this and coming generationfor this cause. Four specific motivational frames emerged are a) Regarding the82819 Report of the Secretary-General, In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all, 59thsessionoftheUNGeneralAssembly,p6,NewYork,NY.20 Robert D. Benford (May, 1993)“You Could Be the Hundredth Monkey”: Collective Action Frames and Vocabularieswithin the Nuclear Disarmament Movement; The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp.195-216; BlackwellPublishing on behalf of the Midwest Sociological Society