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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第26回佳作to cooperate with the superpower in order to defend their own line. The worldfaced a chance to reform an expansion of armaments under the collapse of the SU.However, there are already emerged new issues which raise awareness of security.In fact, the number of nuclear bombs in the world are gradually increasing,but the organisations have tackled the program and tried to reduce the number ofnuclear bombs towards complete elimination. The UN identified nuclear weapons andnon-proliferation as a central agenda, notably the General Assembly First CommitteeDISEC. The DISEC is a committee that negotiates issues of global peace and security.Also, the DISEC works with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which is oneof the most powerful institutions in the UN. Nico Krisch has claimed that the UNSC“is not set up as a law enforcement agency but deliberately as a political organisation;and it is not surprising that the Council has so far hardly branded a state anaggressor or apportioned blame for use of force at all. It has been established largelyas a policeman, not as a jury, and it operates in an essentially political fashion.”1There are numerous treaties and conventions in the realm of the proliferationof nuclear weapons. It has been discussed, particularly the NPT that began to beimposed force from 1970. The final destination of this treaty set up with the aimof the extinction of the nuclear weapons, so it might have an effect to restrain theproliferation. Keith A. Hansen describes how the NPT“The non-nuclear weaponstates increased their collective pressure on the nuclear weapon states to cease alltesting and to eliminate their nuclear weapon stockpiles”. 2 This international schemewas formed to halt the stockpiles with the exception of the members of the fivepermanent seat countries (P-5).Also,theUNestablishedsafeguardregimeswhichareoperatedbytheIAEA1 Nico Krisch‘The Security Council and The Great Powers’in Vaughan Lowe et al ed., The United Nations SecurityandWar:TheevolutionofThoughtandPracticeSince1945,(Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress,2008),p.1432 Keith A Hansen, The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: An Insider's Perspective (Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press, 2006), p.15801