ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

“The world’s young people are a major human resource fordevelopment. Young men and women everywhere are valuable andcommitted partners in the global efforts to achieve the MillenniumDevelopment Goals, including the overarching goal of cuttingpoverty and hunger in half by 2015. Young people remain at theforefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS. And they bring freshthinking to longstanding development concerns.”Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations 1第25回優秀賞“African youth as a source of hope and ingenuity :The role of the United Nations in engaging youngpeople to help overcome poverty in Africa”Gregory LavenderThe crisis facing African young people is emblematic of the world’s failure to addressthe multiple challenges of poverty in Africa. The depth of this failure can often leadto feelings of hopelessness, especially when it appears in the global media that thecontinent seems to be tearing itself apart amid civil wars and conflict over resources.But Africa is of course gloriously diverse, and though experiences of povertyare widespread, they are also greatly varied. When we look past the simplisticcharacterisations of doom and gloom, there is much cause for optimism about theenergy and ingenuity that results finding strategies to cope with poverty, particularlyon the part of young people. Thus, while there is no universal solution for Africanpoverty, I focus here on considering the role of youth in creating and embodying amoreprosperousfutureforallAfricansocieties.TheroleoftheUnitedNations(UN)1 United Nations Secretary-General's message to the Global Forum on Youth and ICT for Development, New York, 24September 2007.697