ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第25回最優秀賞“Combating poverty by re-empowering the state: therole of the UN on strengthening state authority andlegitimacy in African countries”Fraukje IdzengaAbstractDespite unprecedented economic and technological progress over the past decades,320 million African people are still struggling for their daily survival. Although muchhas been done to lift Africa out of its poverty trap, it remains the poorest region inthe world with the least favorable prospects for the future. The consequences of thisdire situation do not only affect the lives of those living on the continent, but producerepercussions extending far beyond its borders. It is therefore imperative that actionbe taken.Combating poverty, however, constitutes a highly complicated, multidimensionalchallenge which requires action in many key areas. Considering the magnitude of theproblem, many experts agree that the state is the only entity capable of confrontingthis challenge. Historically, the state has played a vital role in providing social stabilityand fostering development.Yet in those African countries where action is most needed, a strong and effectivestate apparatus is often lacking. Due to indigenous causes, colonialization and theemergence of neo-patrimonialist governments, state institutions in Africa are generallyvery weak and inefficient. Corruption and clientelism pervade society, and manyAfrican leaders do not perceive the creation of modern state institutions as being intheir interest.639