ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作on the material development possibilities of the society, its social strata and theindividual. Here not the“living standard”or the“level of wealth”in absolute termsis the conditioning factor but the possibility and the expectation to get from acertain point to another higher point. If real development will meet expectations, themembers of a society will enjoy the fruits of their efforts with satisfaction, otherwiseconflicts will flare up.Nations, except for the highly industrialized countries, usually face two keydevelopment problems. Those nations with very low GDP-level, the poor countries,are struggling with elementary problems of drought, food shortage, starvation etc. justto ensure physically human existence. Another group of nations have overcome basicneeds problems, but are unable to start a stable development path. In the followingthese two groups will be discussed.In the case of poor countries the first task is to secure basic needs, like food andwater supply, basic education for literacy and health service. It is not just“poverty”asit figures on the UN agenda of global issues, but it is development, the development atthe level of basic needs. Poverty can temporarily be alleviated by food aid packages,but poverty will reoccur unless local people will be educated and taught how to growfood for themselves. The dissemination and implementation of basic food programsis of highest priority in these countries. The UNU should work out models for basicfood and nutrition programs in poor countries strongly using the experience ofpostwar development policies in countries like Japan, where production recoveredfrom ashes, and more recent policies of some countries in Asia and Africa, whichmanaged to secure self sufficiency. Not only the specific models should be worked out,but also the scenarios of how these models have been implemented so that politiciansand specialists of countries in need could easily follow the idea to its realization.169