ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作4.Peace education4.1 Meaning of peaceAccording to a textbook for peace education,“every age, every culture hasa different conception of peace”(Association for Values Education and Research,1991). Another statement regarding peace is“Peace is a social order, a set of humanrelationships in which justice can be pursued without violence”(Estela C. Matriano- World Council for Curriculum and Instruction). 22 Peace is a universal pursuit forall the people in the world. However, the concept of peace has different meanings inthe Arab countries and in Israel. These differences became clear from the analysisof the school textbooks of the Palestinian Authority and Israel in Sections 2 and 3,respectively. The Palestinian Authority textbooks teach about taking part in the‘Jihad’for retrieving Arabs’rights from Israel. It is not clearly mentioned what peacemeans for the Palestinians. The Israeli textbooks often use the term‘peace’, yet themeaning of peace is not explained enough and the contexts including peace show asan“imaginaryutopia”asBar-Talpointedoutinhisresearch(1998).22 Association for Values Education and Research, University of British Columbia.(1991). PEACE: in Pursuit ofSecurity, Prosperity and Justice. Toronto: OISE Press/The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.151