ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

2.The Arab-Israeli conflict in the Palestinian Authority schooltextbooks2.1 The Palestinian Authority school systemBefore the Israeli occupation of Palestine, there were several negative portrayals ofthe Jews inserted in the textbooks, and violent action against the Jews was justified andencouraged. The Palestinian Authority could not have its own education system becauseof its weak sovereignty. Elementary school education for six years from age six to ageeleven is compulsory. In the academic year 1996/19972, the school enrolment rate fromsix years to seventeen years was 85.1%. The access to education is comparatively good,considering the instability of the Palestinian society, economy and politics.Education in the Palestinian Authority was separate in the West Bank and theGaza Strip due to the occupational conditions, Schools in the West Bank used theJordanian textbooks and schools in Gaza Strip used the Egyptian textbooks. Before1994, the Israeli government inspected and removed the negative remarks anddisadvantageous explanations related to Israel and Jews in those school textbooksbefore they were used in Palestinian schools. In addition, the Israeli governmentdenied Palestinians the right to teach about their country and people from 1967 to1994. Since the academic year 1994/1995, the Palestinian Authority has been changingthe school curricula and the Palestinian Ministry of Education has been in the processof developing its own school textbooks with the foreign assistance. The PalestinianCurriculum Development Center was established with the assistance of UNESCO andthe donor countries. In 1999, textbooks for the first and the six grades were published.Textbooks for the other grades are being prepared and will be published by theacademic year 2004/2005. As new subjects in the textbooks, democracy, human rights,children’s rights, women’s empowerment, pluralism, tolerance, and so on are included1362Source: PCBS(Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics)and PNA(Palestinian National Authority)Ministry ofEducation, 1996/97. http://www.minfo.gov.ps/general/palestine/educat.htm(12/6/2001).