ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作education to benefit those in power invariably has within it the fundamentalelements for self preservation.Education from the conflict approach is suitable to understand societies in countrieswith a conflict relation. In this paper, the Arab and Jewish education systems andcurricula are investigated from the viewpoint of the conflict approach.Academic research concerning Israeli education has been actually conducted bymany scholars and researchers. Some of them have analyzed the Israeli educationalcurricula and school textbooks. Velloso(1998)pointed out that the Israeli educationalpolicy’s aim was to minimize the national spirit among the Palestinians and to instillIsraeli feelings and opinions. He pointed out that two major themes were included inthe Israeli textbooks. One is national unity and the other is the portrayal of Arabs asthe enemy. In another study, Bar-Tal(1998)used textbooks published in the academicyear 1994-1995 after the negotiations with the Arab countries to conduct psychologicalanalysis. He concluded that many textbooks included negative portrayals and remarksabout Arabs and had very little content about peace. Positive Arab images in thetextbooks were mostly on an individual level;‘Friendship with Arabs’,‘helped Jews’,etc. Yet, the positive context is small. According to the research of Bar-Tal(1998), inthe Readers of the secular primary schools, only one textbook included positive Arabimages. Three Readers of secular primary schools included contents promoting peace.However, these are explained vaguely. Feuerburger(2001)pointed out that“for bothArab and Israeli peoples, there are three elements to develop [to realize peace]:(1)stability and satisfaction as mental needs(2)improvement of quality of life, securityeconomic development, education, justice and equality as social needs and(3)freedomand democracy as political needs”.135