ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

“The resolution did not pass on 4 February, despite support from 13 SecurityCouncil Members, including India and South Africa who had abstained in October2011. In opposition to the Arab League endorsed resolution, Russia and Chinaexercised their veto power for a second time.”15As the current crisis in Syria suggests, the UN still faces challenges in respondingto domestic conflicts and consequently it is limited in protecting people. Yet, theUN’s role in conflict resolution should not be underscored. Out of the five criseslisted above, it directly intervened and mitigated three (Darfur, Cote d’Ivoire, Libya),diplomatically contributed to the resolution of one (Myanmar) and is trying to find asolution for the most recent one (Syria). While UN peacekeeping is not sufficient insome cases, it certainly makes contribution to a safer world.Reaction is, nevertheless, only one part of the UN’s peacekeeping profile. Whencriticising the UN for being unable to resolve full-blown armed conflicts, it should notbe forgotten that many disputes do not reach that stage thanks to the UN’s preventiveactions. Furthermore, post-conflict rebuilding and permanent peacekeeping are alsoimportant components of maintaining peace. The following subsection discusses thesecomponents.(iv) Prevention and RebuildingPrevention occurs on multiple platforms: on the global and on the local scale.On the global level it occurs through providing a forum for national leaders andfacilitating diplomatic conflict resolution, as mentioned earlier. Global-scale conflictprevention also occurs through treaties. The UN has brokered several multilateral107215 (Crisis in Syria, 2012)