ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第29回奨励賞1994 thousands of Tutsis were killed by the Hutu in the Rwandan genocide while theUN hesitated to intervene. These events shocked the world and stimulated a debateon what the UN’s role was and how it was to fulfil it in the post-Cold War era.(ii) Post-Cold War ChallengesThe new era of civil wars, genocides and international terrorism has been posinga challenge to the UN. The UN arguably failed its task in the Bosnian war and theRwandan genocide. In the 1998 Kosovo conflict humanitarian intervention did happen,but the decision was made outside the UN framework. NATO airstrikes, whichquickly brought the conflict to an end and rescued a significant number of Kosovars,occurred without the direct permission of the Security Council (SC). Most recently, theinternational community faces difficulties in addressing the Syrian conflict in whichthousands have lost their lives and the atrocities do not seem to cease.The problem with the shift of conflicts from the international to the domesticscene is that it weakens the international community’s legitimacy to intervenebased on the text of the UN Charter. Intervention in domestic conflict violates statesovereignty, something recognised and guarded by the Charter. On the other hand,non-intervention results in a large scale loss of life and thus fails the UN’s obligationto humanity. The sovereignty versus human rights debate is particularly sharpamong SC Permanent Members (P5). Russia and China consider sovereignty themost elemental right of states and generally rejects intervention as they perceiveit illegitimate interference with a state’s domestic affairs. Conversely, the USA, theUK and France in most cases give priority to the protection of the population evenon the cost of infringing state sovereignty. While intervention is not always the right1067