

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている887ページの概要です。


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第16回佳作focus of resolving ethnic conflict has been placed on the consent of the state throughnegotiations. However the primary problem with negotiations either under theauspices of the UN or led by the US or whomever, is that the sword is never too faraway. When in fact the need or threat of the use of force should be the furthest thingfrom the minds of any potential warring party to negotiations. The imminent threat ofthe use of force during negotiations presents an unbalanced environment that is notconducive to free and open mediation. This paper seeks to outline the difficulties inthe current process of negotiation and moreover suggest ways in which negotiationscan be better facilitated over a longer period of time, involving a larger number ofparticipants in an environment free from the threat of force from an external source.The primary recommendation of this paper is to propose that the UN changes itsface to the role of a peace mediator. Emphasizing the need for greater negotiationand communication between parties it is proposed that the UN expand its operationsin the capacity of a mediation center into every country. Mediation is recommendedrather than arbitration to emphasize the need for uninhibited and open negotiation.The role of the mediator is merely to assist conflicting parties find their ownsolution to the dispute by isolating the issues and developing options for reaching anagreement which best accommodates the needs and interests of each participant.As the mediator the UN does not impose a solution or provide legal advice and theparties retain control over the process. Once an agreement is reached, a final andbinding settlement may be signed between respective parties providing consent ofeach party is given. The process of mediation may also fall into facilitation wherebyin the case of a large number of participants, a process of assisting communicationbetween the parties may be required. It may include elements of mediation or moreformal meeting procedures. The latter form of facilitation is encouraged since it885