

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている861ページの概要です。


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第16回佳作regional or ideological basis is one expression of such lack of commitments. Thecompetition between NATO and the UN during the initial phase of the air war inKosovo is a recent case in point. The irony is that the United Nations Charter permitsthe formation of such bilateral and multilateral defense arrangements.If we ask the question as to why states tend to be more committed to collectivedefense than a collective security system, one possible answer would be that noeffective collective security system exists. One may ask again why is it that thereis no effective collective security regime, the response to which would definitelybe, though circular, among other things, that there are rival collective defensearrangements. These systems are respectively characterized by universalistic andexclusivist orientations. Moreover, in the case of collective defense, members knowfairly certainly who the potential or actual enemy is. In the case of collective security,however, the identity of the potential‘enemy’is impossible to determine in advance.But in contrast to a widely held view, the reason why the idea of collective securitysystem is not so appealing today is not because the international system is incurablyanarchic. 19 In conclusion, it may be said that a revitalized UN which would be basedon universal human values can transcend regional and ideological limits and prove tobe the real peace keeper of the world.We have indicated above that there is an unfortunate tendency in public discourse,and even in much academic writing to belittle the role of institutions. It is notsurprising, therefore, that collective security system is usually dismissed as tooidealistic to be pursued seriously and the very nature of the international system andthe defining attributes of its units are said to inherently work against its realization.More than such line of argument, however, what seems closer to the truth is thatcollective security system could be only as effective as its members want it to be.19 For further development of this argument see my,“World Politics NOT As An Inherently Pre-Social Order,”pp.1-16.859