

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている651ページの概要です。


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第15回最優秀賞regional organisations applying Saadia Touval’s suggestion. 19It is apparent that Iraqis one thing and southern Lebanon is another. The UN has to keep an eye on regionalactivities to avoid negative aspects as in the CIS peace keeping and the OAS andshould clarify legitimate courses in dispute and render more chances to memberstates or those relevant to generate their good offices.Peacekeeping arrangementA problem haunting the UN is the arrangement of peacekeeping forces such aslogistics, command-and-control, communications, field coordination and training ofpersonnel. The establishment of the UN enforcement units proposed by Boutros-Ghali did not receive widespread support since member states show their reluctanceto put their own armies under the UN command. Even in organising and deployingpeacekeeping forces at a short notice, the existing forces are following domesticoperational manuals or doctrine.Under this circumstances, the UN has to take two main directions: one is forpreventive and small-scale operations and another is for full-scale operations includingmilitary action in cooperation with regional organisations such as NATO. It should bealways understood that the UN is situated only at a grand-strategic level. If diplomaticefforts are weighed prior to the deployment of peacekeeping and humanitarianoperations, the UN can reduce its burden by working out the appropriate compositionand size of forces. Furthermore, consensus will be obtained on the condition thatwithdrawal is within its aim. The arrangement of traditional peacekeeping forces, inthis sense, would not deter member states’contribution.If there is a need to organise peace enforcement forces or high-level operationsunder the banner of the UN such as in Somalia, the UN has to concede to regionalor other organisations which retain military expertise. The UN’s role is to fill a gap19 Saadia Touval, op. cit.649