

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている647ページの概要です。


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第15回最優秀賞Ⅳ.International Collaboration and Division of LabourSecretary-General as a central diplomatic figureWe have seen that the Secretary-General plays a role of negotiator and mediatorin conflict management. Boutros-Ghali also emphasized the role of the Secretary-General envisaged in Article 99. 17 The asset of the institution of the Secretary-Generalis impartiality by which it is perceived as much a representative of the internationalcommunity as an independent coordinator. However, the Secretary-General does nothave an absolute power to legitimatize the UN action, especially when organisingmilitary action.The Secretary-General should be endowed with a capacity to gather world-widemilitary, political, economic and social information to analyse more practical andlogical approaches under his discretion. This is a feasible aspect in the UN frameworksince the status of impartiality does not deter the Secretary-General from such anaccess to independent information. In other words, the Secretary-General and the UNdo not have to be an intelligence agency for world watching. If local researchers andintellectual persons can gather up-to-date local information, mediation and negotiationscan be fairer.In this sense, such an institution as the United Nations University in Japan canbe developed. Such institutions can offer an opportunity for those who seek futureengagement including research in the UN. It is true that since the UN has notestablished enough educational or research institutions all over the world, peoplesawareness is low and the UN is conceived as an organisation at high level. Thesystem of assessment to the UN can be reconsidered so as to allocate certain fundto maintain such institutions. Although the roles of governments should be limited soas not to undermine the UN’s authority, this new approach will build a systematized17 Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace, para. 37. op. cit., pp. 481-482.645