

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている644ページの概要です。


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phases of‘conditional political independence’are as follows.Firstly, the international community acknowledges disputants’self-determinationleading to diplomatic negotiations on whether to retain the status quo if disputantsprefer or to establishment of new political entities in the form of autonomies within afederation or a state if coexistence is impossible. At this stage, the causes of conflicts,the future form of political system and guidelines based on the UN Charter andinternational norm are examined with the help of the international community orneighbouring countries as happened in Lebanon. The UN’s preventive diplomacy andcrisis monitoring represents this stage by deploying observer missions or receivinglocal information.Secondly, if autonomies are chosen, chances are given to them to get accesses tointer-autonomous and inter-governmental relations within the international community.The government and secessionists have to respect each other’s territorial integrityand demonstrate their duties both to observe and exercise the provisions of the UNCharter, agreements and international customary law to testify their political will andto develop economic and social relations to enhance their institutional capacities. Thisis the case of PLO, against which Israel demands PLO’s stabilized security.However, it is the duty of the international community and neighbouring countriesto refrain from seducing new entities into the luxury of technology network. Militarydevelopment may lead to another crisis. Neighbouring countries supporting them haveto remember that condemnation is inevitable since their act is also monitored. Thisstage is taken in the mechanism of regional collective security and accommodatestraditional peacekeeping.Thirdly, if the status quo is to be still retained, mutual communications between alldisputants and the UN should be retained. The further break-down of communications642