

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている641ページの概要です。


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第15回最優秀賞peacekeeping in operation in certain regions. While Steven R. Ratner’s definition ofpeacekeeping 12 and Boutros-Ghali’s An Agenda for Peace can be taken as the criteriaof new UN peacekeeping, the recent peacekeeping operations in Somalia and formerYugoslavia imply that the UN is not ready for it.The features of traditional UN peacekeeping is impartiality with the consent fromlegitimate states or parties concerned and backed by the consensus through theSecurity Council. It seeks cease-fire rather than settlement and is, most importantly,taken as a symbol of the UN presence. New UN peacekeeping, retaining the samebasic features as those of traditional peacekeeping, however, requires more activeinvolvement such as peacemaking and peace-building and authorizes the use of forceif necessary. The advent of new UN peacekeeping is a result of a speedy finding of athreat to international peace and security.It has been widely recognized through these two types of peacekeeping that twofactors cannot be mixed in one operation: traditional peacekeeping and coercivemeasures are different tasks based on different aims. This applies especially in ethnicconflicts, for which peace enforcement action has often been undertaken. Although thecreation of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in former Yugoslaviais aimed at peacekeeping at first, its mandate was changed into authorising coerciveaction. Compared with military intervention by multinational forces as in the case ofIraq’s invasion of Kuwait, peacekeeping is not to find act of aggression.Moreover, disputants in ethnic conflicts are determined to fight for survival, thereis no place for traditional peacekeepers unless they withdraw or fire in self-defencewhen situations turn into chaos. Traditional peacekeepers are out of scope of militarystrategy. Therefore, the UN peacekeeping engaged in ethnic conflicts is called into aquestion: how peacekeeping aiming at the promotion of democracy and sovereignty12 Steven R. Ratner, The New UN Peacekeeping, (London: Macmillan, 1995), p.17. He defines traditional peacekeepingas‘first-generation operations represent those where a political organ of the UN deploys a military force between twoor more armies, with their consent, pending, and in the absence of, a political settlement’, and recent operations,‘UNoperations, authorized by political organs or the Secretary-General, responsible for overseeing or executing the politicalsolution of an interstate or internal conflict, with the consent of the parties’.639