

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている635ページの概要です。


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“UN’s Role in the Era of Globalisation”第15回最優秀賞Yasuyo FujimotoⅠ.IntroductionFor almost the last decade, the United Nations has seen drastic changes in thestructure of the international community. The international community of an‘egg box’1has become fragile: one broken egg of a state spills over across each compartmentleading to an international dispute, while yolk of a government breaks and mixes witha white of citizens leading to a domestic chaos.Who takes care of the box is a matter of what roles the UN has to fulfill. WhileChapter I of the UN Charter proclaims such purposes and principals of the UN assovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence, respect for self-determinationof peoples and human rights, globalisation is challenging the entire UN system.The UN’s role has been, in fact, a matter of learning from its practice andexperience. It is necessary for the UN to review precedents when it takes any actionsince the UN has to fulfil its task with legitimacy and consensus from its memberstates. As far as the UN has a difficulty to be a world-patrolling authority, however,a required task for the UN is to be analytical in matters concerned based on itslegitimacy. The following sections analyse how the UN can fulfill its responsibilityby examining the UN Charter and peacekeeping. This approach would also askthe meaning of the UN resolutions, which are believed to be a united voice of theinternational community.1 R.J. Vincent, Human Rights and International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 125.633