

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている580ページの概要です。


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encroachment of deserts, pollution of rivers, lakes and oceans, land degradationand mounting carbon dioxide emissions, which may endanger the very survivalof humankind, if allowed to continue without any concerted action from globalcommunity. The need for a New World Order cannot be overstated if we wishto address these problems effectively for the benefit of the present and futuregenerations.Ever since its foundation in 1945, the UN was largely successful in maintaininginternational peace and stability. The end of the Cold War, however, prompted somepeople to question the need for UN and its effectiveness in bringing about newpolitical and social order. I argue however that the UN needs to play an even moreimportant role than before, as the world is still confronted with new kinds of threatsto peace and stability. Regional conflicts, arising from deep-rooted historical, social,economic, ethnic and other factors, are rampant, threatening to plunge the world intoeven greater instability. In order to fulfill its responsibilities more effectively, UN mustundertake both financial and organizational reforms. Security Council is the mostpowerful decision making body within the UN system, and is the main target for UNreforms.Japan is now one of the two biggest economies and donors of developmentassistance in the world. It is also the second biggest financial contributor to the UN.Because of this unique position and its experience of phenomenal recovery from theWorld War II, all nations expect that it can play an increasingly significant globalrole. Further Japan gained valuable expertise during the past 4 decades in variousinitiatives for peace, nonproliferation, sustainable development and other areas. Thiswill enable it to make even greater contributions to the achievement of world peace.In this essay, an attempt was made to discuss the role that Japan can play in the578