

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている543ページの概要です。


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第14回最優秀賞world, this is an area where it can genuinely make its mark.Peace and SecurityJapan’s role in international peace and security should embrace the broad andmultifaceted conception of human security and support multilateral securityinstruments, whilst acknowledging its constitutional and political limitations. Thecountry’s contribution to the foundations of international peace - whilst someadjustments may be necessary - are already in place: in ODA, as the largestcontributor to the UN Population Fund since 1986 25 ; sponsoring research on humanrights and participating in the UN Commission for Human Rights since 1982; takingan advocacy role on women’s issues, including an initiative on Women in Developmentand the successful sponsorship of the Resolution on the Role of the UN DevelopmentFund for Women in Eliminating Violence Against Women; and in injecting humanand material resources into social development, the care of refugees, and the fightagainst narcotics, international crime and terrorism. But there is a credibility gapwhich must be addressed. Japan’s official literature pronounces a universal conceptionof human rights, women’s rights and environmental protection, but there are clearlydiscrepancies between this and its record in its foreign policy and at home.Peacekeeping is a contentious issue in Japan, and one which projects the domesticpolitical, cultural and constitutional constraints upon military activities into theinternational realm. Peacekeeping also reflects the attitudes of foreign countries,especially in Asia, towards a Japanese military role. In Japan a debate exists betweenthose who believe that the constitution must be rigorously adhered to and Japan’sparticipation in multilateral operations must be limited to civilian assistance, thosewho believe that the constitution should be reinterpreted or revised to allow Japan to25 Diplomatic Bluebook, p.93.541