

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている378ページの概要です。


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So what would a smart therapist to faced with a dangerous manage a trois inBosnia? Quite simply, the therapist would threaten to call the police. In doing so hewould hope that the husband would become more reasonable and put his gun away.In time, the abusive husband might even discover more empowering ways to dealwith his sometimes provoking wife. If suddenly enlightened, the husband might cometo the realization that by threatening his wife he is in effect acting against his ownlong term self interest.Naturally, the problem is not so simple. The wife too can be abusive and as ofyet there is no international police envisioned under Chapter VII of the UN charterto intervene. The sometimes in-experienced but courageous therapists ?the lightlyarmed Peacekeepers? are the first and last line of defense. Originally a makeshiftmeasure created by the General Assembly to facilitate a peace?they were nevermeant to build peace where war exists. Without binding agreements that would putinto play a UN force and deter a would be aggressive party, the UN loses the greatestasset a police force provides? its role as a deterrent. While there is nothing wrongwith calling a police force ad-hoc, the husband in this scenario is well aware that thepolice force might never convene.As of yet Theodore Roosevelt’s words still hold true…“A milk and waterrighteousness unbacked by force is to the full as wicked as and even moremischievous than force divorced from righteousness.”The illusions and expectationsthe international community has of the U.N. Peacekeepers are their own faults. Theinternational community has not provided the organization with the force that cango and overwhelm an armed angry husband nor have we yet fully implemented theinsights necessary to help promote long term solutions to conflicts.Strengthening the U.N. will not only entail choosing from potential options that376