

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている368ページの概要です。


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strategy. It is the opinion of this author that there is no better place to base a unifiedstrategy then on the building block of all fundamental change: the individual.In the hope of provoking some new thoughts on how the UN might act moreeffectively as a crisis manager, this essay would like to draw on an understandingof the individual and individual crisis management to explore, assess and proposeinnovations in the role the UN plays in international crisis management. Althoughthis paper does not assume that the role of an international crisis manager and anindividual crisis manager are equivalent in all respects, it does present the hypothesisthat the mechanisms and processes involved in successful individual and internationalcrisis management may be strikingly similar. It is the hope of this author thatprogress in individual crisis management, may serve to complement internationalcrisis management.This essay will limit itself to applying three lessons gained from an understandingof the individual and individual crisis management to the role of an international crisismanager. The first lesson will center on the strategic objective of the United Nationsin crisis management. It will explore the lessons gleaned from preventive mentalhealth and apply them to emerging role of the UN in preventive diplomacy.The second part of the essay will examine the conditions that a therapist ormediator in individual crisis management considers ideal for implementing change andprovokingly explore whether such guidelines may help the UN determine the limitsor principles which should apply to all peacekeeping or similar operations.Finally, the last part of the essay will draw on a particular process of implementingfocused individual change and propose how such a procedure might be adopted on anorganizational level to help the UN continually up-date and focus their own strategiesfor crisis prevention, preventive diplomacy and national change.366