

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている141ページの概要です。


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第10回優秀賞to legally endorse preventive military activities, a regional arrangement directlyaffected by an existing conflict may send its troops with the U.N.’s stamp of approval.Therefore, the creation of the QRUs within the framework of a regional arrangementwith the U.N. legal endorsement serves as the interim modality before the creation ofthe U.N. standing units becomes possible in the future.The preventive activities of the early-warning network should exercise itseffectiveness. However, if they were to be deemed otherwise, deployment of QRUsshould serve as a deterrent against further escalation of the existing tension. Withpresent problems within the U.N. system ? political reality and bureaucracy ? existingregional arrangements should supplement the responsibility otherwise performeddirectly by the U.N. In the future, it is hoped that the present problems within the U.N.be resolved and that it avail itself of effective QRUs.Ⅴ.Creating a Normative Framework Based on the International MoralityMorality was considered a luxury in the time of the Cold War realism. The endof bipolar rivalry, however, has brought us ambivalent change in this perspective:on the one hand, human right violations and humanitarian disasters in Iraq, Somaliaand former Yugoslavia prompted political and military response from major powersof the international community; on the other, however, this is largely a result ofcareful cost-benefit analyses of various national interests. Observing this ambivalence? humanitarian actions on one hand and continuing dominance of political realismon the other ? one could speculate that at this juncture the political current couldtip over in either direction: retreating back to the era of political realism as forcemajeure or pioneering a new era based on an international morality. With the logicof national interests being duly recognised, the attainment of real peace cannot be139