

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている132ページの概要です。


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the region. Therefore, humanitarian organisations are most adept in detecting thesymptoms of escalation of the existing disaster into a peace-menacing magnitude.Third, other type of international NGOs working in the field of, for instance,education, cultural exchange and human rights promotion and observation also servethe similar function, as interaction with local communities constitutes the most crucialpart of their operation.3.NationalNGOsAlso included in the early-warning network are national NGOs in all fields of work,as it is also true that interaction with local communities is the indispensable partof their work. Furthermore, the local NGOs supplement the early-warning functionof international NGOs when specific wary symptoms are identified. InternationalNGOs, as well as national NGOs, collect information regarding development of a warysituation; yet the former are sometimes not blessed with the ability to put it intothe local context and process to accordingly. Only with the early-warning work ofinternational and local NGOs combined can the correct and pertinent information beprocessed.Related to the indigenousness of the early-warning network, local religious andcultural institutions should also not be overlooked. It is not an exaggeration that theyare most deeply rooted in the local community physically and, more importantly,spiritually. Nothing matches in effectiveness and efficiency in symptom-identificationand self-correcting ability with their established network of community members andmutual support among themselves.4.LocalGovernmentsAdded to the above three types of entities is the local government, preferablyat the town or village level. As is the case with the U.N. and NGO personnel, the130