ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

From a strictly linear perspective, coordination is a continual part of theDisaster Management process. The key area of focus for dealing with naturaldisasters, for the UN in particular, is the Emergency Response/Relief phase. In thiscritical phase, the UN can add the most logistical value while serving in a coordinatingcapacity to bring specific relief capabilities in support of disaster-affected civilianauthorities. This is the most critical phase in terms of saving lives and protectingsurvivors from greater vulnerability. Madame Sadako Ogata, one of Japan’s key voiceson Human Security, has addressed this specifically in an operational context. Based onher considerable leadership experience with UNHCR and now JICA, she has spokenof the need to bridge this gap between immediate humanitarian conflict or disasterResponse and longer-term development goals. 9Another part of the UN (The ISDR, or International Strategy for DisasterReduction) looks at Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), which is a critical part ofthe disaster management cycle, yet again there seems to be little, if any, directconnection between this organization and UN OCHA (which is in and of itself dividedbetween disaster Preparedness and Response. DRR involves reducing vulnerabilitiesand mitigating the effects of disasters through building additional resilience incommunities. As an example of this, Japan has done an amazing job since the 1995Kobe Earthquake in terms of applying DRR principles to tsunami warning systems,building code structures and drills for disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.Yet, the UN itself does not do a complete job of linking DRR to other aspects ofdisaster management.As an additional example, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) isresponsible for the Early Recovery Sector of the UN Cluster System, which is partof the humanitarian reform efforts to streamline the Response of the international9449‘Closing the Loop: Integrated Action for Disaster Resilience.’JICA News From the Field, Sep. 29, 2011. How to HelpVictims of Conflict and Natural Disaster: Closing the Infamous“Gap”.