ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第27回優秀賞reports or position papers are more likely to be taken seriously by media decisionmakers than are statements by corporate spokespeople, which often tend to beincluded in stories for balance rather than as the lead. 11Jeffrey Andrew Hartwick, lists several reasons for the growing importance ofNGOs. 12First, they provide valuable technical expertise and experience in complexfields like climate change and humanitarian relief. Second, they bring public attentionto issues that states ignored. For example, international NGOs were instrumentalpublicizing an issue and getting many states to sign a comprehensive global treatybanning the use and manufacture of certain kinds of products. Third, NGOs servean educational function. They hold seminars and briefings, and draft policy papers.International bureaucrats and elites, who make important decisions in areas ofNGO concern, are better informed because of NGO efforts. Fourth, some considerNGOs the conscience of international civil society whose views represent those ofworld populations. Fifth, NGOs bring claims of victims before certain internationalcommissions and tribunals, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights(IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court).Sixth, some NGOs serve on state delegations involved in negotiating and formulatinginternational conventions. Finally, NGOs often act as watchdogs and thus monitorcompliance with international agreements.In a statement 13scholars argue that vast majority of NGOs do not have agovernance mandate. Historically, the primary role of non-governmental organizationsof civil society has been“consultative”rather than a“negotiating”and decision-makingrole.Currently,NGOsenteringorchangingtheirroleto“negotiating”rolecouldbe11 ?Peter Schwartz and Blair Gibb, Business, Governments, and Non-governmental Organizations When GoodCompaniesDoBadThings:ResponsibilityandRiskinanAgeofGlobalization(Chapter7),JohnWileyandSons,199912 ?Jeffrey Andrew Hartwick,“Non-governmental Organizations at United Nations-sponsored World Conferences: AFramework for Participation Reform”, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 26,No.2(2003),pp.217-280.13 ?Governance and Civil Society, Statement by William R. Pace, World Federalist Movement (WFM) & InternationalNGO Task Group on Legal and Institutional Matters (INTGLIM), www.wfm.org/intglim, February 12, 2002897