ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている827ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第26回佳作must now be upheld, building on article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treatyand the 13 practical steps for disarmament agreed in 2000. It was in that contextthat Turkey welcomed and encouraged efforts to replace START with a new legallybindinginstrument. States in compliance with safeguard obligations should enjoyunfettered access to civilian nuclear technology, as enshrined in the NPT, whichplaced strict obligations on States. The most credible assurance about the peacefulnature of national programmes was implementation of the Additional Protocol nowserving as the verification standard. Confidence in nuclear technology depended onthe strength and reliability of safety measures while nuclear terrorism and illicittrafficking posed grave security threats. The international community should worktowards a comprehensive and mutually reinforcing approach based on alreadyavailable conventions.While all countries had a right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,with IAEA oversight, the agency must monitor all States without exception, includingthe recognized nuclear-weapon States, he stressed. Furthermore, the Middle Eastmust become a nuclear-weapon-free zone, and for that to happen, Israel must open itsnuclear facilities to inspection. Otherwise, other States would have a desire to buildtheir own weapons.Present and Future:Even if the United States and Russia continue to consolidate their nucleararsenals, the number of sites in the world that host nuclear weapons have decreased. 13But we should not perceive it is a stronger trend towards early reversal ofdeployment of nuclear weapons. Along with the urgent, irreversible and unequivocaleliminationofnuclearweaponsotherdauntingchallengesinfrontofinternational13 2009 world nuclear industry status report; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ISSN0096-3402 Issue Volume 65,Number 6, November/December 2009825