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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

or NPT. To illustrate this, the five nuclear weapons free zone treaties (NWFZ) 9 thathave to date, been negotiated, have demonstrated greater flexibility to accommodatethe distinct national interests of the treaty participants. Within the provisions of theNWFZ, participants agree not“to manufacture, test, acquire or possess”nuclearweapons 10 other than for peaceful purposes. In return, the five nuclear weapon states 11will provide guarantees not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons in these zones.As demonstrated by the conditions imposed by the United States in concluding theTreaty of Pelindaba 12 , these negative assurances can be qualified and that nationalinterests still play a role in any final agreements. Indeed, the collective agreement notto use or deploy nuclear weapons in shared environments like Antarctica 13 and OuterSpace 14tend to reinforce the fact that it is just as possible that national interestsreflect common aspirations as it is for national interests to be directed towardsindividual ends.In general, regimes seek to moderate state behavior by subjugating divergentnational interests to convergent and collective ones. The converse does notnecessarily always apply and the pursuit of national interests does not always divergefrom collective norms of behavior. Clarification of arms control regime protocols andobligations 15 and a more empathetic understanding of a state's national interests couldtherefore be seen as important factors in understanding why some states supportnon-proliferation but continue to opt away from regime norms whilst others continueto develop nuclear weapons.7669 Crail, P, 2007, Nuclear Weapons Free Zones (NWFZ) At A Glance. Date Accessed: 19/02/2010. URL: http://www.armscontrol.org. Negative assurance is the assurance obtained by the Parties to the NWFZ from the China, France,Russia, Great Britain and the United States that in exchange for becoming part of a NWFZ, a State will not beattacked with nuclear weapons. Till date, the NWFZ in force includes the Treaty of Tlateloico, the Treaty ofRarotonga, the Treaty of Bangkok and the Treaty of Pelindaba and the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon Free ZoneTreaty.10Ibid.,Crail(2007).11ThosestatesrecognizedundertheNPTincludetheUnitedStates,China,Russia,GreatBritain&France.12 Op. cit. Crail (2007). The US reserved the right to respond with all means necessary if attacked with, inter alia,chemical or biological weapons.13 Antarctic Treaty (1959)(Article I).14TreatyBanningNuclearWeaponTestsintheAtmosphere,inOuterSpaceandUnderWater(1963)(ArticleI).15 Beard, Jack, 2007, The Shortcomings of Indeterminacy in Arms Control Regimes: The Case of the BiologicalWeapons Convention. The American Journal of International Law 101:271-321.