ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第25回佳作countries. The solutions must address the challenges of educating the African youthnot only on formal education but also on rural and selfemployment training programs.In this direction, the UNU can take active role in developing training kits and effectiveself-employment programs. Moreover there is tremendous need for experts aroundthe world to obtain the projects from Africa, such as adopting the several villages fordevelopment. The UN goal must be independently train Africans to solve and developschemes to generate more revenues and make them self-sufficient. The UN can alsoassist the assist the poor about policies supporting sustainable microfinance andservices, human rights and various benefits of the government.ReferencesAfrica Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series, November 3,2006, Vol. 43(9), pp. 17131B - 17132C, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Art of Living Foundation.http://www.artofliving.orgBanglorebest.com,“The Art of Living”.http://www.bangalorebest.com/cityresources/Health_and_Medicine/spiritual.aspBarr, Gerry (2005), It’s Time to Make Poverty History, Au Courannt, A Publication oftheCanadianCouncilforInternationalCo-operation,Vol.13(1),Spring.Bioenergy news, July 03, 2007,“Mozambique-India partnership: biofuels for povertyalleviation”.http://news.mongabay.com/bioenergy/2007/07/mozambique-india-partnershipbiofuels.htmlCorruption Perceptions Index, 2008.http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi/2008737