ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第17回優秀賞interest is not guaranteed. They will patiently continue to give aid as long as theybelieve it will be rewarded in the future. However, if the country accepting that aidshows no sign of improvement, their patience will run out. That is what is happeningin some countries. America, for example, is impatient with the even devastatedsituation in Russia and is almost reconsidering its policy.The UN is composed of individual states. If most of them give up working togetherin improving the situation in the Third World, the organization itself will stopfunctioning. Some people are already opting for defending only themselves, claimingthat helping developing countries will only aggravate the situation. They often use alifeboat analogy. According to them, considering limited resources and ever-growingpopulation, the lifeboat is incapable of supporting everyone, and therefore, if everyonegets in, the lifeboat will sink and all will perish. The answer is to sail off, regrettably,saving the few, those who are now on board (namely the developed countries), at theexpense of the many that are almost drowning in the sea (the developing countries). 17The future of the developing countries depends on how the UN can persuade thesepeople and countries that share the above view to cooperate in order to improvethe situation in the Third World and how this organization along with G7, NGOs andMNCs, can help countries in the Third World to solve the problems by themselves asmuch as possible.In addition to improving the economic situation in the Third World, improving socialand health condition in many countries is another area the UN should be involved in.In this aspect, organizations such as WHO and UNICEF have been doing quite well.We still need to fight against disease such as AIDS and parasites in the Third World.AIDS is a disease of the Third and First Worlds. This disease has been spreadingrapidly in the sub-Sahara African area and in some countries in Asia. Establishing17 John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, 7 th ed., (Connecticut: Dushkin. McGraw-Hill, 1999). 406.53