ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている40ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

First, states should try to seek pacific settlement in every conflict. Based oncollective security, the next step should involve thinking of various sanctionsshort of military intervention. The UN, as the last method, should think of militaryintervention. In the present world, peace enforcement is sometimes necessary. Inthis case, we should consider state sovereignty, moral aspects, and the influenceof humans intervening in the environment. We should also reconsider whether therestrictions placed on UN forces should be lifted. We should weigh the advantage anddisadvantage of military intervention. According to the present current, when humanrights are terribly violated, the UN could send its forces. Consent from the localgovernment should be considered case by case.In order to solve economic and social problems, the First World should help tosolve the situation in the Third World. Cooperation with G7, NGOs and MNCs is alsoimportant in this field.In order to restore damage done to our ecosphere, the UN has been developingmany programs. Cooperation with local government and NGOs is necessary in thisfield, too. It is also necessary to tie up with institutes such as private firms anduniversities.In order to cope with the threat of genetic science and information technology, theUN should set up a new branch in its organization. To avoid the same mistake ofnuclear weapon proliferation, we should hurry to establish international standards andregulations in these areas.38