ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第21回優秀賞“UN Neutrality to Counterbalance AsymmetricPower”佐藤成生“Illegal”was the invasion of Iraq. In an interview with the BBC World Service, KofiAnnan, U.N. Secretary General, clearly stated his view of the Iraq war. Why was the“illegal”war started? Why couldn’t UN stop the outbreak of the“illegal”war? Both USand UK argued the current Security Council resolutions implicitly authorized the useof force by member States in the event of Iraq’s persistent non-compliance. UN shouldhave indicated explicitly the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq had yet to get green-light witha second resolution from the UN Security Council. What came to be called neutralityof UN did nothing to impede the unilateral use of force by US and UK. It seeminglyeven acquiesced to the use of force with an implicit authorization. Though SecurityCouncil did not pass a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq, UK statedthe case that Iraq’s persistent non-compliance justified the use of force under resolution678, without further one. Such rhetorical dispute in the aftermath of controversialIraq invasion is futile and useless revealing sheer vulnerability and disability of neutralUN.“An authority will be viewed as legitimate if at least two conditions are fulfilled:(a)the normative order must be established positively; and (b) those legally associatedmust believe in its legality, that is, in the formally correct procedure for the creationand application of laws”(Jurgen Habermas, pp98). Neither of the conditions was fulfilledin the UN proceeding concerned with Iraq war. Since it was highly arguablewhether Iraq war is in conformity with UN Charter or not,“the normative order”,383