ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

birth to new or significantly altered institutions of global governance? If UN Charteramendments are required, what are the modalities involved?Ⅳ.Article 109 Negotiations Toward a New United NationsThe above-mentioned recommendations do not propose that all answers to theemerging global challenges of the next century will depend on a comprehensive setof amendments to the present UN Charter. As it currently stands, however, the UNCharter fails to address the international community’s most pressing concerns. Thewords“population,”“migration,”“famine,”“poverty,”and“environment”do not evenappear in the 1945 Charter. The San Francisco framers did not have these sorts ofproblems in mind. Rather, they were interested in developing structures of globalmanagement to address entirely different challenges in an earlier political context.One cannot blame the San Francisco framers for such omissions; they could nothave foreseen the possibility, for example, that billions of internal combustion enginesburning carbon-based fuels would lead to the seemingly irreversible warming of theatmosphere. However, they did foresee in 1945 that their rapidly changing worldwas going to continue to change and that the institution they designed to meet thechallenges of their own age would need to change as well -- inherent deficiencies inthe UN structure would need to be addressed from time to time.In response to reactions to the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals and several impassioneddebates in San Francisco during the late spring of 1945, the framers includedtwo articles in the Charter that provide for its modification. Article 108 permitsamendments to the Charter upon the approval of two-thirds of the member states,including all five permanent Security Council members. Article 109 provides for“A General Conference of the Members of the United Nations for the purpose of32