ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第19回最優秀賞Secondly, the role of inter-cultural dialogue is central to conflict resolution as itpasses through various stages:Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5Violent ConflictArmed ViolenceInter-culturalDialogueNegotiation(Mediation)Peace AgreementUnstable Peace(Legitimization)Table2. Proposed model of conflict resolution incorporating inter-cultural dialogueWhile the initiating dialogue in situations of armed violence is always achallenging task, it is less so in many traditional societies. Even after armed strugglehas started, it can often still be halted or localized if legitimate mediators initiatedialogue at the community level. These legitimate actors could be, for example, eldersof the community, or the council of the community, as exemplified in the localizationof violence between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz communities in Osh (Kyrgyzstan) andbetween Uzbeks and Meshetian Turks in Andijan (Uzbekistan) in early 1990s.Inter-cultural dialogue is also instrumental in post-conflict peace-building. In thiscase, however, culture-based dialogue facilitates the need for preventive diplomacy;not just in stopping aggression once it has occurred, but earlier, in coping with civilcombat and frontier disputes. This approach to security, threats of conflict, andpreventive measures is at once less costly and more effective than other approaches.This approach can be broken down into the following five steps:Step1Step2Step3Step4Step5Unstable PeaceInter-culturalDialogueReconciliationContainmentResolutionTable3. Proposed model of post-conflict peace-building incorporating inter-cultural dialogue201