ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作For our purpose the classification of development into the field of economyand technology on the one hand, and in the field of social structures on the other,would seem more appropriate. This approach would better reflect the pattern ofdevelopment and its effects, consequences for the society. Needless to say that notevery development is satisfying the people of a given society(nation, region, country),only that one which considers the given conditions of the society. Only in this casecan we say that the development is“sustainable”. Therefore, a development which isacceptable or desirable for the society, is much wider than environment protection,it would be better to call it“balanced development”. It would include a considerate,well-established development policy, considering a sound balance between industryand environment, and between economy(technology)and society in a broad sense toavoid unbalances which easily could lead to social dissatisfaction and crisis.Development patterns should be thoroughly analysed and evaluated in particularwith respect to their social implications and crisis-creating potentialities. Even now,after socialism has disappeared 10 years ago, within the universal free marketdriven and democratic order there are several patterns of economic and socialdevelopment. The free market model, probably in its classical form is to be foundin the USA which also has its problems not only in the field of economic regulationand coordination, for example to ensure a continuous growth, but in social fieldsas well, like unemployment, partial poverty or discrimination. The“social marketeconomy”pattern of development(Soziale Marktwirtschaft)is traditionally practicedin Germany, which recognizes the deficiencies of market and attempts to smoothout its negative and irritating social effects. Thus, on the one hand the stimulativeforces of the market can work to achieve efficient development, but its differentiatingeffects are being kept within limits acceptable for the society. The social coordination167