ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている167ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作economic and social development.It can be seen, then, that crisis in its direct form requires direct and promptpolicies for solution, while the underlying problems ask for specific approaches and forthe longer term.First, the former one, that is the direct crisis management should belong to theUN, which is the most suitable organization for international coordination. It alsoshould extend its activity to initiating(but not undertaking)the investigation andresolution of problems of crisis. In the past the UN acted more or less in line withsuch an expectation.In future, however, the UN should be much more active and should develop acrisis prevention policy instead of the recent post festa crisis management. It shouldset up crisis study groups for locating and signaling latent crisis spots. Further, itshould draw up a scenario for the crisis’s development and should indicate the pointat which the UN’s intermediatory role should be activated in order to prevent theoutbreak of crisis. For that, the UN itself must learn! The UN University(UNU)should provide such a targeted education for UN officials, taking up and analysing pastcrisis situations, what could have been done in order to avoid those crises. Learningfrom the past means to manage our future, - this should be better observed both bythe UN and the UNU.Second, for solving the problems at the core of crisis, the immense knowledgeresource of the UNU should be actively used. The concrete problem solving, of course,would remain in the competence of specific helping or developing organizations(NGOs, the World Bank etc.), but the UNU should provide for them a theoreticaland conceptual guidance. Thus, the UNU would help channeling knowledge towardpractical application. In order to fulfil this mission, however, the UNU itself too must165