ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている164ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

Development should become the main vision, which all priority tasks oninternational agenda should be attached to. Fighting poverty, for example cannotbe a target per se, because it can temporarily be alleviated by food aid, but povertywill reoccur unless local people will be educated and taught how to grow foodfor themselves. Similarly, for“starter countries”where basic needs are alreadysatisfied, but countries cannot start the growth phase, introduction of technologyshould be promoted. These countries would need not the latest technologies butthose ones which suit the best their development needs. The UNU should focusmore on viable scenarios of technology transfer to these countries. The UNU beingpositioned in Tokyo, has a unique opportunity to explore the Japanese way of postwarmodernization, how new technologies were introduced and adjusted to the localconditions in Japan and how a country poor in natural resources could achieve anunprecedented technological and economic progress so that it is now ranking amongthe most advanced countries of the world.Development should go together with education. In poor countries simultaneouslywith basic food programs elementary education for literacy and in developingcountries higher level education for assessing technology.In order to comply with new challenges, the UNU should reform its structure andwork. It should become a real centre of scholars helping the world. A new vision isnecessary focusing on crisis prevention and development. The method of“outsourcing”should be boldly applied which would bring higher efficiency in academic andeducation activity at lower costs.162