ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている152ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

3.4 Sociopolitical factors of the conflict(1)Palestinian refugee problemThe Palestinian refugee problem is one of the most politically and emotionallycontroversial problems in the Middle East. Because of Israel’s policy of expanding newJewish settlements, both Palestinians and Jews have encountered clashes in daily life.The interpretation of how the Palestinians became refugees has not been unified intoone in the Israeli textbooks.Most of the textbooks in all the educational streams state that the refugeesproblem was created in 1947-1948 by the Arabs because they fled from their homes.Only a few textbooks mention the claim that some refugees were expelled byIsrael during battles. Some textbooks bypass the issue altogether by stating thatdemographic changes took place without elaborating on how they came about. Also,regarding the 1967 Six Day War, only a few textbooks note that Arabs were uprootedfrom their villages in the wake of the war and even they do not cite any numbers(CMIP, 2000).(2)Portrayal of Arabs and hostilityThe portrayal of Arabs in the Israeli textbooks is mostly negative. Comparedto the images of Arabs before the peace process started, recent Arab images andportrayals have been slightly changed into more positive ones. In the textbooks forthe ultra-Orthodox schools, the negative portrayal still dominates.150