ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作negative images of the Arabs. Based on the Zionist ideology, fighting the Arabs isdefined as‘self-defense’in the Arab-Israeli conflict.Many problems emerged over the purchases of land by Jews. The Jews purchasedthe lands from the owners, the effendis, who lived in the large cities in Syria andLebanon. But the ones who actually lived on the lands were the Arab fellahin 13 .As a result of the Jews’purchasing of the land, the tenants had to leave and thisprompted clashes between Jews and Arabs. 14The Arab-Israeli wars are taught,“in all the books, of all the school systems, forall ages - as justified wars of defense. The Arabs are responsible not only for the warsthey started, but also for wars in which Israel was the first to shoot”(CMIP, 2000).3.3 Religious factors of the conflict(1)Historical relationship between Islam and JudaismGenerally speaking, Jews regard Muslims as‘people of the Book’, and vise versa.Both religious are monotheistic. However, the religious conflict between Islam andJudaism is controversial and has existed for a long time. In all the textbooks, it iswritten that the“Islamic religion speaks favorably of Mohammad’s struggle againstthe idol worshippers”(CMIP, 2000). Some similarities between Judaism and Islamare pointed out. What are the elements of Arab-Israeli conflict from the Jewishperspective in school textbooks?The first element is‘the Jews rejected Muhammad’s doctrine’. 15AdmittingMuhammad to be the founder of the Islamic religion and its prophet, an ultra-Orthodox textbook used the following paragraph:In the beginning, Muhammad hoped that the Jews too would believe in him. Inorder to win their hearts, he ordered that believers should pray in the direction13(Arabic)peasant farmers.14 From Conservatism to Progress, history for eighth grade, 1998, pp.368-370.15 From Generation to Generation, lessons in history for the state religions school, 994, p.230. p.335.147