ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


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佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第18回佳作“The Arab-Israeli conflict and Peace Education - Roleof the United Nations University”Tomoko Matsuda1.Introduction1.1 BackgroundThe Arab-Israeli conflict is one of the most serious and tragic problems thatdid not make much progress toward peace during the twentieth century. Theestablishment of the State of Israel in the Middle East created the conflict that isdifficult to reconciliation between the Arab countries and Israel. The overview ofArab-Israeli relations since 1948 demonstrates that political development towardpeace has not actually been fruitful on the societal level in the Arab countries.There have been several rebellions in both Arab and Israeli sides to show the socialfrustration and dissatisfaction against the peace at the political level. Therefore, peaceseems to be fragile and very little efforts have been made.In spite of the peace negotiations, each Arab country has several geopoliticalproblems with regard to the realization of peace, such as Palestinian refugees, politics,economy, security, land claims, natural resources, and human rights. Even in the caseof Egypt and Jordan, which have peace agreements with Israel on a political level,these peace agreements have not been accepted on the national level as proved bythe various activities against Israel. For example, some Arab and Muslim groups havebeen performing violent activities. These activities, considered a type of struggles(Jihad)by some Islamic groups, are generally considered acts of terrorism by mostMuslims and non-Muslims. Palestinian civilians have been trying to show their anger131