ブックタイトル佐藤栄作 受賞論文集


このページは 佐藤栄作 受賞論文集 の電子ブックに掲載されている1021ページの概要です。


佐藤栄作 受賞論文集

第29回優秀賞2011.UN News Centre. (2012). Security Council must come together to solve crisis in Syria:UN-Arab League envoy. November 29, 2012. Retrieved December 2, 2012, fromhttp://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=43634&Cr=syria& Cr1=UN News Centre. (2013). Humanitarian challenges continue to mount as Syrian crisisenters its third year: UN. March 15, 2013. Retrieved March 16, 2013 fromhttp://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44395&Cr=syria& Cr1=UNSC. (2011a). Resolution 1970 (2011). S/RES/1970(2011). 26 February, 2011.UNSC. (2011b). Resolution 1973 (2011). S/RES/1973(2011). 17 March, 2011.UNSC. (2011c). 6650th meeting: Protection of civilians in armed conflict. S/PV/6650. 9November, 2011.UNSG. (2009). Report of the Secretary-General: Implementing the responsibility toprotect. A/63/677. 12 January, 2009.UNSG. (2010). Report of the Secretary-General: Early warning, assessment and theresponsibility to protect. A/64/864. 14 July, 2010.Wong, E. (2012). New communist party chief in China denounces corruption in speech.New York Times. November 19, 2012. Retrieved December 6, 2012, fromhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/20/world/asia/new-communist-part y-chief-inchina-denounces-corruption.html1019