

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている895ページの概要です。


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第16回佳作that parties to negotiation will feel more at ease throughout any mediation process.In terms of financing the proposal it is anticipated that if the proposal for mediationis packaged correctly then both eastern and western countries will the support theinitiative with a once off levy or commitment over time to fund the proposal. It isexpected that the dilution of the UN’s role in its agencies will free up additional fundsfor the project.One must also entertain the possibility that even after long periods of negotiationthe warring parties may not be able to come to a compromise or mediated agreement.Furthermore even if the parties do come to an agreement then there is always thepossibility that one or numerous parties may not adhere to the agreement. We havealready spoken of Indonesia’s disregard for international law to support the thesis thatnegotiations or politics is a continuation of conflict through other means. In the worstcase scenario where both parties are unable to come to agreement and bloodshedcontinues in a vein that shocks the conscience of mankind then there is a need forarmed presence -- with or without the consent of the state.(To avoid the aforementioned difficulties of wielding the sword as a last resort tonegotiation, it may be that the in the event that mediation fails then the UN centerproceeds to a more formal arbitration process where parties make submissions toan arbitrator and agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator. The arbitratoror panel of arbitrators will be impartial to the dispute and will make an award aftersubmissions by the parties.)In order for armed intervention to be justified as just then there must be auniversal consensus from a broad range of states. It is argued that the current stateof affairs in the UN Security Council where each of the five permanentmembers-a sub set of the great Western powers with the exception of Russia893