

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている826ページの概要です。


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operations, which are now the standard modus of operandi. However, there are morethan mere semantics differences here. Integrated conflict resolution, managementand prevention measures would be closer to inter-disciplinary, inter-agency effortsconsciously and systematically applied to eliminate potential sources of internalconflicts by solidifying the foundations and main pillars of the community. It is likegiving a vaccination whereby we could expect the recipients to build up the requiredimmune system and capability themselves. On the other hand, multi-dimensionaloperations, including post-conflict peace-building activities, would be closer to a postoperationtreatment, in which our best hope is for the patient not to die after a criticalsurgery is performed.Ⅳ.UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM MEMBER STATES.At the end of the day, it is the member countries that are responsible for all theprogress and achievements of the UN -- or the lax and failures therein. The UN couldonly be effective, relevant and useful insofar as the member countries themselveswant it to be. Other players, notably non-state actors, may be on the rise, and theywill undoubtedly play increasingly prominent roles in global affairs. Nonetheless, as astate-centered institution, the UN cannot escape from the predominance of its memberstates. Without their backup and endorsement, the UN will just be an empty rhetoric.In view of this, it most important that all member countries place their fullest faithsand primacy on the UN. They should direct all their resources and energy within theframework of the organization, and not create duality and confusion by unilateral acts-- individually or in small alliances.In this respect, Japan deserves a special mention. Its generous contributions andgrants help the organization to be on the move, allowing it to undertake importantfunctions and missions, most recently in the case of UNTAET in East Timor. Its824