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第15回優秀賞protection/isolation, and ideological radicalism, or may try to harness globalizingforces to their local communities if and when empowered to do so. Such defensiveprocesses undertaken by losers, actual and potential, and their allies has been called“localization.”GLOBALIZATION VS. LOCALIZATIONLocalization seeks to reestablish and strengthen the (pre-) existing national and/orlocal socioeconomic“borders”in order to fight back the intrusive and border-defiantforces of globalization. This localization has found expressions in anti-immigration andother nativist policies espoused by ultra-rightist political parties in the West, includingthe well-known National Front in France. Still more extreme cases of this localizingdynamic are represented by an increasing number of religious fundamentalistgroups throughout the world. Afghanistan’s Taliban -- militant Islamic studentsturnedsoldier/government officials -- have sought to establish in their country anideal Islamic society free from the harmful and corrupting influence of Westernpredatory capitalism and godless, secular democracy. It could be said that thosereligious fundamentalists have emerged in reaction to an encroaching globalizationmasterminded and pushed by“market fundamentalists”in and outside their society.Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that globalizing processes will be incapable ofbeing stopped, much less reversed, although they might be controlled or retarded tosome extent. No conceivable group or individual state is likely to stop the apparentlyautonomous progress of telecommunications technology or the instantaneous flowsof vast financial resources across borders. This leads us to question the validity ofthe globalization-localization dichotomy. Furthermore, as a defensive strategy of thepoor, localizing efforts actually do disservice to those fighting the negative impact of677