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between the needs of good internal governance and the requirements of andever more interdependent world.19.The sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of States withinthe established international system, and the principle of self-determinationfor peoples, both of great value and importance, must not be permitted towork against each other in the period ahead. 9It is clear that while the UN prefers the international community based onsovereignty as before, its new approach to maintain international peace and securitywould be flexible according to each situation concerned. In fact, Boutros-Ghali againhinted at the possible transition of acknowledgement of sovereignty. 10 It seems naturalthat the compliance with Articles 2 (1), (4) and (7) and Chapter VI and VII is in thehand of discretion of the international community.In the UN history, besides the Security Council, some resolutions of the GeneralAssembly had a legal binding without any authorization by the Security Council. 11The General Assembly’s capability to take up issues in relation to Article 1 (3), 13(b), 55 (c), 2 (4) and (7) is no longer limited. The compliance with the UN Charterand international customary law by the UN’s member states or quasi-states is to bepromoted and their act deviating far from international norm should be examinedfairly through the General Assembly.Ⅲ.UN’s Practice for the Maintenance of International Peace and SecurityProblems of Traditional Peacekeeping and New PeacekeepingThe UN’s significant activity in its history to maintain international peace andsecurity is peacekeeping. It is globalisation, however, that has made the UN morefocus on preventive diplomacy and peace enforcement action along with traditional6389Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace: Preventive Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Peacekeeping, UN Doc.A/47/277 (31 January, 1992), paras. 17 and 19.10 Boutros Boutros-Ghali,‘Empowering the United Nations’, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 71 (Winter, 1992/93), p. 90.11 For example, GA. resolutions 1514 (XV), 1541 (XV), 2131 (XX), 2625 (XXV) and 3314 (XXIX) are raised. See,Nagendra Singh,‘The UN and the Development of International Law’, Adam Roberts and Benedict Kingsbury, op. cit.,pp. 398-399.