

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている495ページの概要です。


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第13回佳作In addition to email distribution, the UNU WEB site should be aggressively crosslinked to other relevant WEB sites of progressive interest to UNU, thereby, increasingviewership to the UNU WEB page.7.Video and tele conferencing technology would greatly reduce (not eliminate)the need for travel of UNU personnel and consultants. UNU should establishregional tele/video conferencing systems, in coordination with UNU’snetwork of cooperating institutions - who often already have such systemsin place. Participants to meetings would only travel inter-country or intercontinent,instead of purchasing trans-continental air tickets directory toUNU Headquarters (or any of the five UNU Research and Training Centresin Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Macau or Ghana). Not only would actual airticket costs be reduced, but also additional costs such as the Daily SubstanceAllowance (hotels, meals, taxis, etc) which are a part of all travel, would begreatly reduced.This implementation would not only increase the productivity of desk boundstaff or staff members in offices, but would immediately benefit the many UNUdirectors, consultants and others that travel abroad. The information disseminationsystem, would enable remote users to access almost any UNU publication online; thus,eliminating costly telephone calls, faxes, and courier services.The UNU Rector’s responsibilities require him to travel all over the world, andhe often needs access to various documents and supplemental information. With thedevelopment of a document distribution system, the Rector would have instant accessto needed publications and documents online. Speeches, presentations, video clips ofpast meetings, and a host of other information would only be a mouse click away.493