

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている493ページの概要です。


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第13回佳作initiation of topics for discussion and comments to those topics by the authorizedusers of the system.3.Online document distribution methods would allow a complete catalogue andcontest of UNU publications to be downloaded to a user’s computer for printingor viewing online. The publication(s) could be mailed to them or downloadedto their computer, depending on practicality and the size of the publication.For those publications that are for sale only, users would be requested to inputencrypted payment information.The birth of the World Wide Web enables companies to publish documents,containing graphics, audio and text online, using the internet. No longer is it necessaryto mail 30 pages of a report to 500 collaborative scholars. Those recipients could viewthe material on a WEB site, and print what they will actually use, when they want it.A call was received from a library in Canada, by the UNU New York office,requesting a 25 page document that had resulted from a UNU meeting, hosted inTokyo, Japan. If online document distribution was established by UNU, the librarycould have accessed the UNU WEB site, queried for the particular document, andprinted it out immediately on their printer - exactly what they needed or the wholething. This would have saved the library a phone call to the New York office, savedthe New York office time in contacting UNU Headquarters, saved UNU Headquarterstime and money in sending the document to the UNU New York office via pouch, andsaved the New York office both, additional time and money in sending the requesteddocument to the library in Canada.4.For those users with a high bandwidth telecommunications line, UNU couldmake available to them video and audio clips of UNU meetings via a UNUWEB page. Users would not just read about an event (often after it has been491