

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている488ページの概要です。


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“Technology ? the key to information dissemination”Ramon A. RayIntroductionThis essay will provide concrete steps on what the United Nations Universitymust do, technologically, to compete in a global marketplace of informationdissemination in furtherance of strengthening and expanding the cooperativerelationships with UNU and the international academic community. It should benoted that UNU is advancing technologically in various areas; this essay serves tohighlight additional areas and encourage increased technological development.In this world of ever increasing global reach, the international community mustnot use technology as a second thought, or the end result to a means ? but shouldstrategically plan for and use technology ? making it an integrated part of their coreprocesses and programmes.Several UN System agencies do have strong technical programmes in place, someare in their beginning stages and have been developing quite nicely. UNDP has for afew years been increasingly involved in using technology to more efficiently distributeand share information, such a their use of CDROM distribution and the internet. TheInternational Civil Service Commission (ICSC) has recently started to provide DailySubstance Allowance (DSA) 1 rates over the World Wide Web.The backgroundAs the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Boutros Boutros Ghali said in4861 Daily Substance Allowance is the money given to persons traveling on behalf of the United Nations. This money isto be used for their meals, hotels, and other costs incurred while traveling on official UNU business.