

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている48ページの概要です。


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agencies in implementing the recommendations of the UNCED. It is bound to facethe problem of economic survival as being of more immediate interest, now that theeconomies of most countries are going through a recession.The UN’s dilemma in environmental conservation matters reflects the widerproblem that the United Nations has to contend with, namely, whether it can be ableto operate above the inward-looking aims of governments which provide it with itsfinancial life-line.Ⅶ.Conclusions:It is evident from the discussion above that the end of the Cold War is indeeda welcome development. The possibility of enhancing world peace and welfarehas definitely improved. It is also evident that a revitalised United Nations canplay a leading role in the post-Cold War world affairs. The organisation’s ideals ?international cooperation, collective prevention of aggression, recognition of the rightsof people to self-determination, promotion of global justice, human rights, and theequal dignity of all human beings ? provide an important launching-pad for tacklingthe fundamental problems that continue to plague humanity in the post-Cold War era.The greatest challenge, however, is probably whether the UN will be able tomuster the necessary resources to meet is its obligations, and whether, in the process,it makes itself less beholden to the governments and organisations which would beproviding the resources. The United Nations needs a reasonable degree of autonomyif it is to efficiently pursue its objectives in the post-Cold War era.46